101 Education

Merchant University is an ever growing complication of information and resources that we’ve compiled for your benefit. Our introductory educational series has been dubbed 101 Education and is the, “need to know” knowledge for anyone operating within the payments industry. Our 101 Educational Series has been intentionally boiled down to convey the basic, hard to find data in a manageable bite sized pieces. We’ve been in your shoes whether you’re a merchant, agent or ISO and know that your time is at a premium. Nobody has time to spend hours searching online to find the answers to your problems then additional hours trying to understand and implement what you’ve just researched. This is why everything you’ll see on this site leads to instantly actionable ideas that are time tested and proven to improve your business.


So far we’ve complied information related to Chargebacks, Fraud Prevention, Merchant Accounts and Security & PCI. Understanding and implementing the knowledge gained from this site in those areas will allow you to more effectively run your business, increasing revenue while at the same time reducing costs. We’ve also segmented out Point of Sale Commerce and E-Commerce as each of those sections has unique needs and demands.


We are an ever growing and evolving site, as our industry changes and the demands shift continue to check back or contact us to be added to our mailing list for newsletters and updates.









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